3 Books Any Business Owner Should Read

hen you're running a business, learning from others can be the best way to ensure continued growth and success. Here are 3 books that every business owner should read.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey - One of the best known and best selling books in the business and entrepreneur genre, 7 Habits gives a guide to not only becoming efficient in your work, but also making sure that the work you're doing is important. Taking a "top down" approach to productivity, Covey helps you determine which things on your to-do list are most important, and teaches you how to focus on them.

Getting Things Done by David Allen - In contrast to Covey's big picture approach, David Allen explores the detail level side of productivity. As he puts it, "If you can't get the small things done consistently, the big picture doesn't matter too much." In his book, Allen gives a detailed, specific method of automating your to do list, making sure that nothing falls through the cracks, and shows you exactly how to be sure that everything will get done in a timely fashion.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout - Regardless of what you're selling - whether it's a product, a service or just your image - you need to know about these 22 laws. The authors show how to work with the marketplace when you're selling, by learning what your customers are thinking, rather than trying to go against the flow. As they put it,"violate [these laws} at your own risk!"


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