Cyclop Baby (unidentified baby - India)
On 2006, this baby was born with a only one eye in India.
Medical staff who helped deliver the child believe that the
child's condition was caused by an experimental anti-cancer drug
. Another cause written in the report by the hospital was that it could
also be the result of a chromosomal disorder. The child was diagnosed
with a rare chromosomal disorder, known as cyclopia. She was
born with a single eye in the center of her forehead, no nose and
her brain fused into a single hemisphere. With such severe deformities,
it was a miracle that the girl survived even a few minutes after delivery.
The babydied days later.
World's Largest Hand (Lui Hua - China)
Lui Hua suffers from a rare condition known as macrodactyly. When he was hospitalized in Shanghai on July 2007, his left thumb measured 10.2 inches and his index finger measured close to 12. On July 20 surgeons undertook a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu's fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure. A second surgery is scheduled to take place. Enlarged limbs can be caused by a number of medical conditions. Lymphedema is perhaps the most common cause and results in some extraordinarily enlarged limbs.
Feet facing backwards (Wang Fang - China)
Wang Fang, 27, of Chongqing city in China, was born with her feet facing the wrong way. She has learned to live with her condition without problems and recently refused a disability pension by being classified as disabled. "I can run faster than most of my friends and have a regular job as a waitress in the family restaurant. There is no reason to class me as disabled."
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